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Our Biannual Impact Report Is Here

Here's our biannual Impact Update from our founder Patrick Grant.

Back in 2015 when I was thinking through the idea behind Community Clothing I was thinking about school jumpers. I worked out that if you could get just 10% of UK school kids wearing locally made woollen jumpers again you could re-employ every man and women who’d lost their jobs in the Scottish knitwear industry in the previous decade, about 20,000 people. When we launched our Welsh made underwear I did a similar back-of-a-fag-packet calculation about jobs there; I calculated that if just 5% of the UK population switched to wearing UK made pants you could re-employ all of the 2,000 mostly  women who’d lost their jobs in the South Wales underwear factories since the start of offshoring in the late 80’s. These numbers are important. Small changes can have a huge positive impact. What it shows us is that we all have the power to make positive social change. 

Business really does have the power to do lots of good. Not just good for shareholders, good for everyone; customers, employees, their communities, and the planet. This idea of doing good is central to how we work at Community Clothing. By making our affordable high quality clothes we’re sustaining and creating highly skilled meaningful long term jobs in communities right across the UK. Jobs are really important. Its not just the money, it’s the sense of purpose and pride they give us, the hope they give us for our futures, the structure they give to individual lives, and the sense of identity they give to communities.  

Every decision we take as a business is informed by this mission so to keep us moving in the right direction, and to make it easy to tell the story of our impact, we keep track of some simple numbers; factories we work; towns we work in; people employed by those factories (they don’t just make for us of course, but in some of them we’ve over half of what they do); and hours of skilled work you create by buying our clothes. The hours are the most important thing. I remember feeling incredibly proud when we posted our first impact update, six months after we launched, showing we’d created 6,328 hours of work. Last year we passed the quarter of a million hours a number which felt seriously meaningful. And now, as pass the halfway point in this year, I am delighted to say that with your continued support we’ve now created over 380,000 hours of fantastic, well paid, skilled work here in the UK. We could not be more pleased, or more proud.  

Thank you all for choosing our clothes. Your choice makes good things happen.  

Founder, Community Clothing

Here's our biannual Impact Update from our founder Patrick Grant.

Back in 2015 when I was thinking through the idea behind Community Clothing I was thinking about school jumpers. I worked out that if you could get just 10% of UK school kids wearing locally made woollen jumpers again you could re-employ every man and women who’d lost their jobs in the Scottish knitwear industry in the previous decade, about 20,000 people. When we launched our Welsh made underwear I did a similar back-of-a-fag-packet calculation about jobs there; I calculated that if just 5% of the UK population switched to wearing UK made pants you could re-employ all of the 2,000 mostly  women who’d lost their jobs in the South Wales underwear factories since the start of offshoring in the late 80’s. These numbers are important. Small changes can have a huge positive impact. What it shows us is that we all have the power to make positive social change. 

Business really does have the power to do lots of good. Not just good for shareholders, good for everyone; customers, employees, their communities, and the planet. This idea of doing good is central to how we work at Community Clothing. By making our affordable high quality clothes we’re sustaining and creating highly skilled meaningful long term jobs in communities right across the UK. Jobs are really important. Its not just the money, it’s the sense of purpose and pride they give us, the hope they give us for our futures, the structure they give to individual lives, and the sense of identity they give to communities.  

Every decision we take as a business is informed by this mission so to keep us moving in the right direction, and to make it easy to tell the story of our impact, we keep track of some simple numbers; factories we work; towns we work in; people employed by those factories (they don’t just make for us of course, but in some of them we’ve over half of what they do); and hours of skilled work you create by buying our clothes. The hours are the most important thing. I remember feeling incredibly proud when we posted our first impact update, six months after we launched, showing we’d created 6,328 hours of work. Last year we passed the quarter of a million hours a number which felt seriously meaningful. And now, as pass the halfway point in this year, I am delighted to say that with your continued support we’ve now created over 380,000 hours of fantastic, well paid, skilled work here in the UK. We could not be more pleased, or more proud.  

Thank you all for choosing our clothes. Your choice makes good things happen.  

Founder, Community Clothing