Good for people, local communities, customers, and the planet. We sell our exceptional quality everyday clothing at a fraction of the price of other premium brands, and by making 100% of it here in the UK we’re sustaining and creating jobs and helping to restore local economic prosperity and pride.
Good for people, local communities, customers, and the planet. We sell our exceptional quality everyday clothing at a fraction of the price of other premium brands, and by making 100% of it here in the UK we’re sustaining and creating jobs and helping to restore local economic prosperity and pride.
By supporting Community Clothing you’ve already helped us to create well over a third of a million hours of skilled work right here in the UK (380,000 at last count), and with your continued support we can create millions more. Everyone deserves a good job and it’s our mission to create them, lots of them, in the parts of the UK that need them most.
We’re very proud to say that today 1,880 people are employed in the factories that make our clothes here in the UK, and this number is growing all the time, but we’d like to see It grow faster. In fact, it’s our mission to create over 5,000 new jobs in the UK textile industry. We’re doing all we can to create opportunities to build long-term rewarding careers for people of all ages living in our industrial regions, places that have been let down by decades of terrible industrial policy.
At Community Clothing we pride ourselves on using the finest quality natural raw materials on the planet.
We love natural fibres; we love how they feel to wear, we love that they get better with age and we love that if looked after they can last a lifetime. Natural fibres have been used in clothing for over 5,000 years, they have the lowest carbon footprint of all materials, they are recyclable, and naturally biodegradable, so they’re kind to the planet too
We only work with the highest quality, sustainably sourced wool, linen and cotton in the main fabrics of our clothing because we believe that they offer the very best combination of wearability and overall environmental impact. We work in long term partnerships all the way down the supply chain, right back to the farm. Our fibres come from the same farmers and the same farms year after year, so we know they’re farmed in a way that’s good for nature and the environment. Every step of every product is well known and consistent resulting in the very best quality clothing.
Our clothes are made by exceptional craftsmen and women who share our passion for making great quality clothing.
The factories we work with are the best in the world. They’ve been doing what they do for generations, in some cases for centuries. They employ the very best craftspeople, many of whom have dedicated their entire working lives to making exceptional quality textiles and clothing. People like Dave in Lancashire who makes your jeans, or Sheena in Scotland who makes your jumpers, or Neil in Leicestershire who makes your socks. No one does what they do better. We’re proud to be supporting long-term rewarding careers for these fantastic craftspeople. And we know they’re proud to make the great quality clothes we sell.
Our clothing isn’t just good for the people that make it, and the communities they live in, it’s good for the planet too.
So how do you make clothing that’s good for the planet?
It’s fairly simple in theory.
Tread as lightly as you can in the production of your clothes; don’t pollute, don’t use oil, use clean energy, make them where they’re going to be worn.
Make clothes last a long time. That doesn’t just mean make them durable, it means not trying to sell people new styles every week. Don’t have sales that drive impulse buys. Encourage long use, repair and re-use, swaps and second hand.
And make clothes that can be recycled, or will naturally biodegrade, so that they leave no trace behind.
But lots of brands don’t do any of this. At Community Clothing we are proud that we do all of it.
Cottons from Lancashire, woollens from Yorkshire, hosiery from the midlands, knitwear from Scotland, underwear from South Wales. Textiles are woven into the fabric of communities across the UK, communities built on skill and hard work. They clothed the world. We want to see our proud textile heritage continue.
The factories we work with are the best in the world. They’ve been doing what they do for generations, in some cases for centuries.
They employ the very best crafts people, many of whom have dedicated their entire working lives to making exceptional quality textiles and clothing. People like Dave in Lancashire who makes your jeans, or Sheena in Scotland who makes your jumpers, or Neil in Leicestershire who makes your socks. No one does what they do better.
We’re proud to be supporting long-term rewarding careers for these fantastic craftspeople. And we know they’re proud to make the great quality clothes we sell.
There are other brands that make great quality clothing, a few of them make it here in the UK. So what’s so different about Community Clothing? Simple. The price.
We don’t just want to make great clothes, we want to make great clothes affordable. We’re not going to create many jobs if no one can afford to choose our clothes. So we found a way to get the costs down whilst keeping the quality up.
People are often shocked to hear that normal brands mark-up the cost of their products on average about 5.5 times. So a garment that costs £10 to manufacture will sell for around £55. And in the case of some luxury designer brands it can be as much as 10 times.
We do things differently. We make our clothes in the same factories as some of the best known luxury brands on the planet, but because of our unique business model which cuts out all the usual costs our mark-ups are typically just 1.7 times, so that same garment that costs £10 to manufacture we sell for about £17. That’s a THIRD of the price.