People are often astonished to discover that we make our clothing in the UK’s very best textile mills, the very same mills that make for some of the best known designer or luxury brands. They are also astonished when they see our prices. Our mark-ups are less than a third of those designer or luxury brands so our prices are too.
Take our incredible quality lambswool crew neck sweaters. They’re made from premium lambswool yarn spun in Denby Dale in West Yorkshire, and are knitted and finished at one of the world's finest knitwear mills in Hawick in Scotland. They cost us £48 to produce and we sell them at just £64. Pretty much the same jumper, made in Hawick in the same premium yarn but from a well known designer brand retails at £245.
No difference in quality. Huge difference in price.
At Community Clothing we are proud to do things differently. Our innovative business model cuts out most of the usual cost of designing and selling clothes meaning we can sell exceptional quality clothes, made in exceptional UK factories, at surprisingly affordable prices. We’re proud to support fantastic skilled jobs in the UK’s textile communities, and to be working to localise every stage of the production of every one of our products. And we’re proud of the product we make. We use the finest sustainable natural cotton, wool and linen fabrics and we never compromise on the way we make our clothes. We are confident you wont find clothing this good at even twice the price. Great clothes should not just be the preserve of the very wealthy. We’re making it our mission to make great quality ethical and sustainable clothing an affordable everyday reality for everybody.
Great clothes, at great prices, supporting local manufacturing. That’s our promise.